In July 1864, guerrilla warfare in Henderson, Kentucky led to violence and retribution.
William Grayson, influential early American patriot and leader, contributed to the framework for and the settlement of the West.
The legacy of Pocahontas lives on in popular culture and in her thousands of descendants.
The frequency and tenderness in Leon's letters exposed a glaring absence within.
Grayson women, men, and horses in Mosby's Confederacy
Three Generations of the Heidt Family of Georgia
The "spinster" designation is baffling for a young woman. Was she a spinner of wool?
Jacob Collins was an extraordinary mentor, and, as far as it is possible, a self-made man.
The text, illustrations, and other details reveal how much has changed - and all that still endures.
John was impressed by the British cruisers at the Texel, and was held for several years before his release was negotiated by the American government.