We cannot yet resolve how a decades-old heirloom ended up where it did, nor comprehend the unlikely series of circumstances that led to its discovery and return.
"Why in the world would anyone want to assign ID numbers to a bunch of dead relatives?"
Speeding Up, Slowing Down, and Connecting to the Past
Griffith Stadium, Walter Johnson, and a Tour of Local Memorials
We remember and honor the lives of Santiago and Carmen Guevara. May we live honorable lives in gratitude.
A memorable night at the ballpark.
You are responsible for the cultivation and care of your garden. How are you doing with that?
A musical call to duty and prayer.
"Bursting with soaring domes, minarets, and sweeping archways, the exterior gives way to stunning interior details"
A material salute to Santiago Guevara, grandfather and World War II combat veteran.